

The Future
of the Cannabinoid Industry

CBD from hemp is being sold as an ingredient in hundreds of products, and in dozens of countries. However, the technology used for extraction has stagnated.

The current demand for high quality cannabinoids is being met by companies with difficulties expanding, both due to start-up costs and legal issues associated with CO2 extraction-based patent infringement.

Most of the world’s cannabinoids are extracted using the same inefficient and legally-fraught technology.

At the heart of Kalmex’s revolutionary technology is a proprietary process that converts high-quality plant material into raw oil via membrane separation.

Legalization of cannabis is spreading around the world. Regulators are clarifying laws, and legal procedures around CBD.
The missing link for the industry is improved cannabinoid extraction.


Kalmex’s facility will be the first to use polymer membranes to extract cannabinoids from hemp. This technology has many advantages over competing processes.


Unlike conventional extraction methods, Kalmex’s unique combination of water and ethanol extracts the cannabinoids and terpenes, resulting in waste products such as waxes, lipids, and chlorophyll. Additionally, the water used in the extraction is easily removed later by the membranes without causing degradation to the cannabinoids. Kalmex’s technology is both safe and efficient; safe in that it can perform at nearly atmospheric conditions at full run, and efficient in that it removes impurities, waxes, lipids, and contaminants.


Only Kalmex’s membranes can break the azeotropes formed during the extraction process, increasing both the purity of the product, and allowing the solvents to be recycled back into the system. Membranes operate at temperatures somewhat higher than room temperature which helps to keep operating costs low and prevents degradation of the cannabinoids, terpenes, and solvents, leaving an unparalleled purity of end product


Unique Process

Kalmex’s membrane technology is unique compared to other industry methods due to the use of membranes in the process. However, the process has been successfully applied in over 100 worldwide plants using membrane extraction technology by
Petro Sep, Kalmex’s partner.

Despite being a breakthrough in this industry, this technology is not novel. The Kalmex facility will be ready to operate at full run once construction is completed.

Eco-Friendly Process

For a facility its size, the Kalmex facility has a small footprint. The membrane technology has a lower power and water requirement than competing technologies. 

Furthermore, the breakthrough process allows Kalmex to retain and recycle 95% of the ethanol and water used throughout. Kalmex’s process will use only water and certified organic non-GMO ethanol solvent, allowing Kalmex to create fully organic full-spectrum, THC free extracts at industry defining volumes

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